Italian Restaurant PASTi Trattoria in Taipei

The Italian Restaurant in Taipei is PASTi Trattoria Established in the historic Nangang neighborhood in Taipei, PASTi Trattoria is the couple's vision of a classic Italian meal regional and seasonal ingredients, checkered tablecloth and rustic hospitality. Each detail evokes a sense of story, place, and genuine delight. PASTi Trattoria is awarded with a Michelin Plate in 2020. Aperto a pranzo e a cena, il ristorante Pasti Trattoria offre una esperienza gastronomica senza imperfezioni, Il Ristorante Pasti Trattoria arredato con gusto e design personalizzato. Lo chef ha ideato personalmente i piatti gourmet serviti presso Il Ristorante sono improntati sulla semplicit, la sintesi e la ricerca della quintessenza del sapore. Seguendo una decisa diciplina Italiana ma in contatto costante con il pubblico locale, Pasti Trattoria offre un men che esprime al massimo livello la cultura, l'eleganza e lo spirito vitale del Made in Italy. PASTi由Past及italy 兩字組成,意指承襲了過去經典、傳統的義大利飲食文化。
而324 Print Studio楊忠銘老師Yang Chung Ming老師設計的Logo裏頭,除了含有PASTi的字樣,同時也象徵了PASTi Trattoria 像是一艘大船,乘風破浪、向前行駛,和大家一同探索世界,感受義大利的飲食文化及風土民情。 Chef Lee Wei Cheng和他的太太Chiang Meng Chen共同經營著這家義大利餐酒館,並始終堅定信念,奮力地找尋好食材,拓展生活面向,磨練人生的經驗值。期許透過不同階段的獲得與分享,造就更寬廣的料理視野及溫暖味覺的可能。



+886 2 2785 1588

No. 30, Zhongnan Street, Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan


ENG         TW



"PASTi" is a blend formed by the words Past and Italy. It conveys a belief in traditional Italian culinary values held by Chef Hans Lee and his wife Rita Chiang, chef-couple at PASTi.

Behind the logo design of PASTi is the world-renowned Taiwanese planography artist Yang Chung Ming from 324 Print Studio. The advancing sailboat elicits a sense of unfolding a culinary journey to Italy. And the table is where the journey begins.

Established in the historic Nangang neighborhood in Taipei, PASTi is the couple's vision of a classic Italian meal: regional and seasonal ingredients, checkered tablecloth and rustic hospitality. Each detail evokes a sense of story, place, and genuine delight.


Italian Restaurant PASTi Trattoria in Taipei  italiana italiana don cucina cucina
Italian Restaurant PASTi Trattoria in Taipei  italiana italiana don cucina cucina


© Pasti Trattoria Cucina Italiana t:0.23 s:48818 v:000828